Police Training

Police Officers & Executive Training

Police officers and executives are often not ready for the challenges that come with a critical incident where an officer is wounded. Today, part of Dic’s mission is to use his experiences to help officers understand the difficult situations they could face if wounded in the line of duty.

Helping Police Officers and Their Families

Dic also educates police executives in best practices for helping officers and families of severely wounded officers. Through his personal journey and the multitude of connections he has made internationally in policing, he has comprised tools that executives can use to prepare their agencies before a situation occurs.

Be prepared to be courageous when the unexpected occurs.

Executive & Leadership Training

Is your department ready to support a severely wounded officer and their family? Do you know where to turn for additional support? What are some best practices that can be put in place ahead of time? Dic answers these questions based on his experiences, and the steps police executives from his department and others took following his critical incident. Based on the magnitude of being involved in a terrorist incident, Dic is also uniquely qualified to address police leaders in the following areas:

  • Initial incident support
  • Long-term department support
  • Media exposure
  • Impacts on privacy
  • Trial support
  • Retirement coaching

Officer Training

It is paramount that officers understand what they need to incorporate into their work routines and daily life to be able to survive a dangerous situation. Dic’s life was saved in part by on-scene tactical medicine and critical decisions by his fellow officers. His life was then changed by the incident, which affected his future plans and resulted in his retirement. Dic challenges his brother and sister officers to consider their preparedness for such a situation, including:

  • Emergency medical care and “buddy aid”
  • Effects on the family
  • Readiness for retirement
  • Resilience

Recruit Training

Most police recruits undergo countless hours of training in situations they could face on a daily basis. However, Dic realizes that most recruits do not learn how to prepare for critical situations and the impacts on their careers and families. He also shares tools and techniques he has learned from other officers faced with similar situations, ranging from financial concerns to preparing for retirement.

Highlighted Training Events